Is to advance solutions that improve older adults’ access to food, housing, healthcare, and the supportive services that have powerful positive impacts on their health and economic security. To do this, we engage policy makers – illuminating issues, sharing the lived experiences of people in our county, and partnering with champions to change public policy and secure funding.

Community-based supportive services are a necessary part of the equation in helping us meet the challenges of aging and live successfully in our communities, now and in the future – a future in which every fifth person will be over 65.
SSC’s Policy Agenda looks to that future, addressing the longer-term implications of immediate policy choices that we face today.

In spite of record surplusses over the last few years, California’s investment in aging services remains inadequate to meet current needs. With concerns about a coming economic downturn, policy makers have an obligation to ensure that services are not cut.
Learn about SSC’s perspective on the Governor’s proposed FY 24/25 budget.
Learn where California is on addressing the needs of Alameda County seniors.
SSC’s Letter to Senate Human Services Committee Supporting SB 37

SSC champions funding for supports and services, focusing on county and state budget and policy.
In 2019, Senior Services Coalition participated in a research project designed to elevate the voices of real people to inform the Master Plan. Led by Greater Good Studios, and funded by The SCAN Foundation, the project included weeks of field studies in urban, suburban and rural communities, and five community design workshops throughout the state. Read the Report.
With that local learning as our compass point, SSC is now using the Master Plan as a blueprint to help stakeholders and policy makers address the many issues that impact older people in our county and across the state, and to do so with a focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion.