July 11, 2012 – The Governor’s Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), included in the State’s FY 2012-13 Budget signed in June. It is a multi-year plan to coordinate health care and long term services and supports for dual eligibles (Medicare/Medi-Cal beneficiaries) and Medi-Cal Only seniors and people with disabilities. The CCI envisions all Medi-Cal long term services and supports coordinated within the framework of Managed Care.
The Duals Demonstration is the first phase of the CCI, and is now set to launch in eight counties – including Alameda County – no earlier than January July 2014. The Demonstration will combine the two funding streams (Medi-Cal and Medicare) in Managed Care Plans that integrate medical and long term services and supports. It will require that dually eligible seniors and adults with disabilities enroll in a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan. This enrollment will be mandatory, but individuals will have the option to “opt out” of the Demonstration and maintain their Medicare coverage on a fee-for-service basis. The Plans will be responsible not only for covering medical services, but for authorizing IHSS, MSSP, nursing facilities and CBAS/ADHC, and coordinating with other community-based services and supports.
The implementation of the Duals Demonstration plan is subject to approval by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Many of the important details of timing, enrollment and consumer protections are still being developed in conjunction with the state’s stakeholder workgroup process.
Here is a link to the state’s list of populations included and excluded from the Demonstration. **Note that this link does not include any changes from the new launch date of July 2014.**
The CCI legislation requires an IHSS maintenance of effort that would “hold county expenditures to the estimated level that would have occurred absent” the Demonstration. The legislation also includes the expectation that, at some point during the three year Demonstration, collective bargaining and employer-of-record responsibility will transfer from the county Public Authorities for IHSS to a state-wide Authority.
Return to the Coordinated Care Initiative page here.