Stakeholder Discussion: OCA Modernization/CA Department of Community Living

Last fall, the Assembly Committee on Aging and LTC hosted an informational hearing in Los Angeles on modernizing the Older Californians Act (OCA). The hearing provided an opportunity to review a draft concept paper developed by the CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging. The proposal seeks to modernize the OCA and establish a Department of Community Living, modeled off the federal Administration for Community Living which provides coordinated leadership on aging and disability LTSS issues.

The CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging would like your input, questions and comments on the current draft proposal. Please note, this is just a concept paper and subject to change based on your feedback. Please feel free to invite any interested stakeholder to this meeting.

Friday, January 25, 2019

CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging
980 9th Street, 3rd Floor Conference Center – Room 350