California Department of Aging Quarterly All Stakeholder Meeting

Open to all stakeholders, these meetings provide updates on the progress of the CDA’s pandemic response and Master Plan for Aging developments, and include Q&A session.

January 21, 2021
10am – 11am

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 961 3397 6722
Passcode: 661202

Dial by your location:  888 788 0099 US Toll-free / 877 853 5247 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 947 1619 2485

Caregiver Conversations

Caregiver Conversations:

A Day of Learning, Support, and Information Exchange

This convening is free for family and friends caring for an adult living with complex illness, professionals serving caregivers, and Alameda County residents who wish to learn more about family caregiving.

Friday, January 24

California Endowment
2000 Franklin Street

Click here for more information and to register. For more information, contact or

Annual Homeless Memorial

Join St. Mary’s Center and Alameda County’s Healthcare for the Homeless Community Advisory Board, to life up community members who have lived and died on the streets.

Thursday, December 5th

925 Brockhurst Street (at San Pablo Avenue)

RSVP to Janny Castillo or David Morbasbach.

Strengthening California’s Care Infrastructure: Pathways to Universal Long-Term Care, Paid Leave, and Child Care

Our country’s care infrastructure has not kept pace with society’s changing needs. The challenges of caring for older adult family members and children are growing for both low and middle income families.

The National Academy of Social Insurance (the Academy) recently released a comprehensive study of viable approaches for states interested in pursuing universal LTSS, paid leave, and child care policies. In this panel, the presenters will report the Academy study panel’s findings and the discussants will speak to the implications of this research for policymakers seeking to strengthen the care infrastructure for Californians.

Kevin Prindiville, Executive Director, Justice in Aging

Lea Austin, Co-Director, Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, University of California, Berkeley
Robert Espinoza, Vice President of Policy, PHI
Benjamin W. Veghte, Director, Academy Study Panel on Caregiving; Research Director, Caring Across Generations

Henry Claypool, Policy Director, Community Living Policy Center, University of California, San Francisco
Carroll Estes, Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of California, San Francisco

Wednesday, November 20
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

San Francisco Public Library

To register, click here.

The Bay Area IHSS listening session for the Master Plan for Aging Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee

The Bay Area IHSS listening session for the Master Plan for Aging Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee

Friday, November 22, 2019
2-4 p.m.

Ed Roberts Campus
Osher Foundation room
3075 Adeline, Suite 105
Berkeley, CA 94703

IHSS is one of the focus areas of the Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee. These listening sessions will give IHSS recipients, providers and other stakeholders an opportunity to discuss sustainability strategies and IHSS program enhancements. These ideas will then be shared with the LTSS subcommittee.

For questions about accessibility or to request reasonable accommodations, please email or call Jeffrey Berndt at (916) 651-5362 no later than Friday, November 15.

Bay Area: Aging into Poverty: Ensuring Seniors’ Golden Years Remain Golden

Currently, one in five seniors in California is living at or below poverty – the highest rate in the country. With the demographic changes underway in the State, the challenges of senior poverty are likely to increase even if this rate remains unchanged. The Governor presents a promising opportunity to addressing senior poverty with the Master Plan for Aging, but more is needed to fill the gaps. Where can philanthropy support policy and programmatic strategies showing promise? How can cross sector collaboration reduce economic security challenges?

Join this event to better understand how funders can respond to the senior poverty crisis upon us. With thoughtful strategy and cross sector collaboration the existing levels of economic insecurity and racial inequities specific to seniors can be reduced.

Date / Time
Thursday, October 24
10 am – 12 pm

Northern California Grantmakers
160 Spear Street, #360
San Francisco, CA 94105

To register, click here.