Impact in 2019: An Update on Federal and State Policy Changes and Priorities

Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan invites you to a policy briefing led by the County’s Washington D.C. and Sacramento Legislative Advocates that will:

  • Provide an overview of key policy priorities at the federal and state levels in 2019;
  • Discuss what to expect in terms of threats and opportunities facing Alameda County and its residents in the coming year; and
  • Explore how Alameda County—alongside its safety-net partners—can strengthen its advocacy efforts and effect change on behalf of its most vulnerable community members, including the growing homeless population, low-income children and families, older adults, and immigrants and refugees.


  • Wilma Chan, – Alameda County Supervisor, District 3
  • Keith Carson, Vice President – Alameda County Supervisor, District 5
  • CJ Lake – Alameda County’s Washington D.C. Legislative Advocates
  • Political Solutions, Inc. – Alameda County’s Sacramento Legislative Advocates
  • Alameda County leaders, organizations, and community members

Please help the team prepare for the briefing by sharing your top policy priorities, by clicking here for a three minute survey. The briefing will also be broadcast live over the web; you can watch it by clicking here.

Thursday, February 28
2 PM – 4 PM

1221 Oak Street
Board Conference Room, 5th Floor

Click here to RSVP. For questions, email or call (510) 272-6693.


Alameda County Board of Supervisors: Joint Health & Social Services Committee Meeting

The Committee will hear recommendations from the Council for Age-Friendly Communities. Plan to show up to show support! Click here to email Wendy if you are planning to attend. The committee calendars are subject to change; click here to go to the BOS calendar on February 22 to confirm the agenda.

Monday, February 25, 2019
12:30pm to 2pm

Board of Supervisors’ Chambers – Rm. 512 (5th Floor)
County Administration Building
1221 Oak Street, Oakland



Reports from CASA: The Committee to House the Bay Area

CASA convenes a diverse, multi-sector set of partners in the Bay Area to identify and act upon game-changing regional solutions to the Bay Area’s chronic housing affordability challenge. Organized by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, CASA is working to build consensus around increasing housing production at all levels of affordability, preserving existing affordable housing, and protecting vulnerable populations from housing instability and displacement.

January 25, 2019
8:30AM – 10AM

Click here to register.

Stakeholder Discussion: OCA Modernization/CA Department of Community Living

Last fall, the Assembly Committee on Aging and LTC hosted an informational hearing in Los Angeles on modernizing the Older Californians Act (OCA). The hearing provided an opportunity to review a draft concept paper developed by the CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging. The proposal seeks to modernize the OCA and establish a Department of Community Living, modeled off the federal Administration for Community Living which provides coordinated leadership on aging and disability LTSS issues.

The CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging would like your input, questions and comments on the current draft proposal. Please note, this is just a concept paper and subject to change based on your feedback. Please feel free to invite any interested stakeholder to this meeting.

Friday, January 25, 2019

CA Association of Area Agencies on Aging
980 9th Street, 3rd Floor Conference Center – Room 350

Approaches and Lessons from Health Systems and Medical Groups

Join advance care planning advocates and health care leaders to learn about new programs, initiatives and pilots, and the challenges and success they have delivered. Featured speakers will include representatives from Sutter Health, John Muir Medical Group, and Hill Physicians Medical Group

Thursday, January 24, 2019
6:00 to 8:00 PM (dinner served)

6230 Claremont Avenue

There are three ways to register: (1) Online at; (2) Email; (3) Call (510) 654-5383.

Justice In Aging Webinar

Changes to the Public Charge Rule and the Impact on Older Adults

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Click here to register.