Creating Age-Friendly Institutions & Community in Alameda County
On Thursday, November 12, 2015 the Senior Services Coalition held a conference called Making the Difference: Creating Age-Friendly Institutions and Community in Alameda County. We convened community-based service providers, health care professionals, health and social services agency leaders, policy makers and stakeholders in Alameda County to learn about the World Health Organization’s model for age-friendly communities.
Through panel discussions and breakouts, we used the WHO model as a guidepost for considering how to move beyond traditional silos in planning and delivery, and to engage counties, cities, CBOs and our communities in bringing about broad, deep and lasting improvements.
Click here to check out the day’s agenda and speaker bios.
Conference Materials & Content:
Keynote Speaker: Anabel Pelham (Professor of Gerontology, SFSU; Executive Director at Center for Age-Friendly Excellence)
Panel: County Change: Successes and Challenges
Unique perspectives on how counties can transform in ways that encourage the development of healthy, age-friendly communities.
- Moderator: Karen Grimsich (Aging & Family Services Administrator, City of Fremont)
- Panelists: Ben Duncan (Chief Diversity and Equity Officer, Multnomah County, Oregon); Diana Miller (Project Manager of the Seniors’ Agenda, Santa Clara County Department of Aging & Adult Services); Dr. Muntu Davis (Director and County Health Officer, Alameda County Public Health Department)
Panel: Alameda County Aging Initiative: Are We Getting There?
- Moderator: Karen Anderson, United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County, Commissioner, Alameda County Commission on Aging
- Panelists: Supervisor Wilma Chan, Alameda County Board of Supervisors; Supervisor Nate Miley, Alameda County Board of Supervisors; Rebecca Gebhart, Finance Director at Alameda County Health Care Services Agency; Tracy Murray, Director, Area Agency on Aging, Alameda County Social Services Agency; Scott Coffin, CEO, Alameda Alliance for Health
Insights & Ideas from the Visioning Roundtables Session
During these small group discussions attendees synthesized the information and perspectives heard in the plenary, considering a set of questions within one of seven topic areas. The groups generated insights and ideas that, we think, help us all take a few steps forward in building a common vision of what it might take to create an age-friendly county. The output is being shared with Supervisors, County staff, and the Alameda County Older Adult Planning Committee.
- Age-Friendly Community Engagement
- Age-Friendly County Change
- New Partnerships
- Aging and Communities of Color/Diversity
- Age-Friendly Housing and the Built Environment
- Age-Friendly Services
- Ageism and Stigma
Research, References & Best Practices
- World Health Organization – Towards an Age-Friendly World
- Project for Public Spaces – What is Placemaking?
- Multnomah County – Equity and Empowerment Lens
Made Possible with the Generous Support of Our Sponsor: